Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Romero Britto Pop Art Pyramids

Third graders just learned completed a project that combined Math and Art! We began by looking at the art of Pop artist, Romero Britto, and his Pyramid Project in London.
Students sketched four sides (faces) for their own pyramids, incorporating Egyptian symbols into each side as Britto did in his art. They also combined patterns and either warm or cool colors with black outlines.

Finally, we cut out our pyramid patterns and assembled them. We were able to count and discuss vertices, edges, and faces in our 3D shapes-a concept third grade teachers asked me to incorporate!


  1. Hi....I found a photo of your floral display case through Google images, but couldn't find the post that went with it. I hope you don't mind, but I posted it on my bulletin boards blog:
    Can you send me the link to that exact post so I can add that. Thanks! jan

  2. I wish I could take credit for that display case, but it is not mine! It's beautiful though! Sorry, wish I could help :)

  3. I love the 3- dimensionality of the project.
    The colors, lines and patterns, amazing

  4. love these! i did a britto unit this year and the kids LOVED it!!! i've also awarded you a "versatile blogger" CONGRATS! link up and keep creating!

  5. Thank you for the award and the nice compliments! It made my day :)

  6. Very clever idea and I love how you took Britto's pyramids and turned into a very interesting art task. Well done! I have also done Britto with my kids and they absolutely loved it... Anna:)

  7. This is a great lesson! I have nominated you for Versatile Blogger award. Please see my blog to accept your award.

  8. how can I get a copy of this lesson. putting together a project on egyptian art for our elementary schools volunteer art literacy program amd I love the 3D aspect of this project.
